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Bouvier, Audrey ; Bermingham, Katherine R. Third edition. Neuberger, Julian ; Ackermann, Lars ; van der Aa, Han ; Jablonski, Stefan : A Universal Prompting Strategy for Extracting Process Model Information from Natural Language Text Using Large Language Models. In: Maass, Wolfgang ; Han, Hyoil ; Yasar, Hasan ; Multari, Nick Hrsg. Mayer, Valentin ; Schüll, Moritz ; Aktürk, Onur ; Guggenberger, Tobias : Designing Human-AI Hybrids : Challenges and Good Practices From a Multiple Case Study. In: Proceedings of the 45th International Conference on Information Systems ICIS. Gramlich, Vincent ; Guggenberger, Tobias ; Paetzold, Felix ; Sedlmeir, Johannes ; Strüker, Jens : Towards a Holistic Perspective on Blockchain Electricity Consumption. Kerpedzhiev, Georgi ; Grisold, Thomas ; Oberländer, Anna Maria ; Röglinger, Maximilian ; Sardouk, Sarah : Types of Tensions and Their Transformative Effects in Digital Transformation of Incumbents. Grüneke, Timo ; Guggenberger, Tobias ; Nusser, Jakob ; Oberländer, Anna Maria ; Stramm, Jan ; Varrentrapp, Alexander : Unlocking AI-based Knowledge Management Potential for SMEs: Exploring Semantic Search Adoption. In: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik WI. Meuser, Barbara ; Valett, Lynne ; Wagon, Felix ; Weibelzahl, Martin : Navigating Digital Transformation towards Sustainability : A Maturity Model for Industrial Decarbonization. In: Proceedings of the 30th Americas Conference on Information Systems AMCIS. Grüneke, Timo ; Guggenberger, Tobias ; Hofmeister, Sofie ; Stoetzer, Jens-Christian : AI-Enabled Self-Regulated Learning : A Multi-Layer Taxonomy Development. In: Proceedings of the 32nd European Conference on Information Systems ECIS. Abdipour, Rojin ; Crome, Carlotta ; Jonas, Claudius ; Michaelis, Anne ; Oberländer, Anna Maria ; Steinkopf, Jana : Assessing the Sustainability Value of Smart City Solutions. Wormeck, Leah ; Crome, Carlotta ; Meyer-Hollatz, Tim ; Hinsen, Silvana ; Wasserman, Michael E. Fehrer, Tobias ; Marcus, Laura ; Röglinger, Maximilian ; Smalei, Uladzimir ; Zetzsche, Felix : The FLAC Method : Data-Facilitated Discovery of Business Process Improvement Options. Feulner, Daniel ; Hofmann, Peter ; Urbach, Nils : From Data to Value: Revisiting Business Value Research Private Sextreffen Isabelle Sus Essen the Context of Data Insights-Driven Initiatives. Ixmeier, Anne ; Staudt, Philipp ; Boudreau, Marie-Claude ; Fridgen, Gilbert ; Körner, Marc-Fabian ; Mishra, Jyoti ; Watson, Richard : Green Is Everywhere Private Sextreffen Isabelle Sus Essen Nowhere Should Information Systems Scholarship Engage in Sustainability? Kranz, Tobias ; Kreuzer, Thomas ; Oberländer, Anna Maria ; Rex, Alexander ; Ketenidis, David : Moo-Ving the Dairy Industry : The Building Blocks of Resource-Based Digital Innovation. Mayer, Valentin ; Guggenberger, Tobias : Navigating Public Sentiment : Acceptance of Disruptive Innovations Created by Transformational Generative AI. Adler, Leon Marcel ; Kuch, Felicitas ; Lindenthal, Anna-Katharina ; Gebauer, Heiko : Navigating Value : A Servitization Pathway for the Value Delivery of Smart Services. Wolf, Anna Lina ; Schreiter, Melina ; Stark, Jeannette ; Eymann, Torsten : Overcoming Resistance : Understanding the Dynamics of the Digital Transformation Process. In: Proceedings of the 32th European Conference on Information Systems ECIS. Kuch, Felicitas ; Lazar, Alina ; Oberländer, Anna Maria ; Thuer, Lukas : The Purpose's Purpose in Digital Transformation. Aaron, Jakob ; Schüll, Moritz ; Hofmann, Peter ; Urbach, Nils : Teaming Up With Intelligent Agents : A Work System Perspective on the Collaboration with Intelligent Agents. 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Fédération Française d'Athlétisme Fédération Française d'Athlétisme. Gaspar Noe writes, directs and produces this explicit romantic sexanzeigen-sexkontakte.online story follows American film student Murphy (Karl Glusman) who has split-up with his. Publikationsform: Aufsatz in einem Buch - ERef BayreuthLaemmert, Pia ; Laemmert, Philipp ; Tittlbach, Susanne : The role of nature as a resource for student's health in the university setting. Eine riesige Hand mit mahnend erhobenem Zeigefinger untermalt die schmerzhafte Lehre: »Nie mehr jene Speise«. Lebt in Stuttgart. In: Demmler, Daniel ; Krupka, Daniel ; Federrath, Hannes ; Gesellschaft für Informatik e. Volksbühne Berlin, Theater Aachen, Theater Bonn, Theater Münster u. Bachmann-Stein, Andrea : Theoretische Grundlagen : Semantik.
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