Ministry Assistant. Lost Pixels. Jedes Alter info. A help for Jehovah's Witnesses in their field service to quickly take notes and stay organized. It's very easy to keep track of your territories, all your return visits, your service time for the month and plan your day or week of door to door ministry. Never forget a return visit again or be frustrated trying to find you paper notes! NOTE: Please send suggestions by e-mail instead of leaving them in a comment, since I can't reply if I don't understand what you mean, and the suggestion will never be implemented! Was die Sicherheit angeht, solltest du als Erstes verstehen, wie Entwickler deine Daten erheben und weitergeben. Die Datenschutz- und Sicherheitspraktiken können je nach deiner Verwendung, deiner Region und deinem Alter variieren. Diese Informationen wurden vom Entwickler zur Verfügung gestellt und können jederzeit von ihm geändert werden. Diese App kann die folgenden Datentypen an Dritte weitergeben Standort. Keine Daten erhoben Weitere Informationen dazu, wie Entwickler Angaben zur Datenerhebung machen. Daten werden bei der Übertragung verschlüsselt. Daten können nicht gelöscht werden. Meeting Schedule Builder. JW Language. MYdys - aid for dyslexia. Oberplan - Resource Planner. Read With Me.
Screenshots iPad iPhone Apple Watch. I proof read a few times so I hope there won't be any. Sort by Relevance Sort by Title Sort by Person counts. Title In English : List of arrivals for September 2, 1 German Jehovah's Witness - 19 Soviet POWs. Title In English : To the Secret State Police.
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Since , JWTalk has proved to be a well-moderated online community for real Jehovah's Witnesses on the web. However, our community is not an official website. A help for Jehovah's Witnesses in their field service to quickly take notes and stay organized. Meet loving JW's for friendship, love and marriage! Dating for Jehovah's Witnesses. On the following pages, you can view the compilation of our internal laws as well as all Official Gazettes (Amtsblätter) of the religious association that have. It's very easy to keep track of your territories.App Store Preview. Title In English : Supplement to the change notice of February 19, Articles Looking for inspiration? Mutual Fans Find out if any of the members you've added as a favourite is also a fan of yours. The developer, Brent Priddy , has not provided details about its privacy practices and handling of data to Apple. Your rating. Creator: Concentration Camp Mittelbau Administration, Political Branch. Information Provider Brent Priddy. A help for Jehovah's Witnesses in their field service to quickly take notes and stay organized. Daten werden bei der Übertragung verschlüsselt. The information appears to have been transcribed by the. The male Bibelforscher Jehovah 's Witness was transferred from Ravensbrück. Resources Learn Teach Collections Academic Research Remember Survivors and Victims Genocide Prevention Antisemitism and Holocaust Denial Outreach. Submitted December 13, Terms of Use Use of this site signifies your agreement to our terms of use. AC Ne renoncez pas a faire ce qui est excellent By Coco Hi everyone! Sie sollte Liebevoll sein ein Familien Mensch und gerne mit Ihrem Mann Zeit verbringen wollen. Creator: Concentration Camp Mauthausen Konzentrationslager Mauthausen. Photo Help Hints and tips for uploading photos. Prisoners listed by name. All rights reserved. Prev 1 2 Next Page 1 of 2. Title In English : Admissions, March 3, I hope you enjoy your notetaking! Menu Subscribe Rates Everything you need to know about our subscription prices. Some of the prisoner types are illegible. Link to my english notebook:. Submitted October 18, Updated August 21, App Privacy. Not important at all Slightly important Moderately important Decidedly important Non-negotiable. Creator: Work Camp Wien-Floridsdorf "Julius" Arbeitslager Wien-Floridsdorf "Julius". Title In English : Questionnaires received back concerning the search for Jehova's Witnesses. Search Discover people by performing a basic or an advanced search. Username Search Look up members by their username. Two-Way Match.